Saturday, November 24, 2007

[24.11.2007] Fahrenheit in Waratte iitomo program on 23-11-2007

No subtitles but here's a brief idea of what's going on.

Host: Tsuyoshi from SMAP
He introduces Taiwan Top Idol group Fahrenheit. then he does a brief introduction of FRH, like all of them are 180cm, no.1 drama series hana kimi etc....
Then Jiro leads frh and says, Good afternoon everybody, we are FRH, please guide us along.
then tsuyoshi said: oh~ all of you are very handsome!
Then Jiro wanted to say "you too~"
but it came out wrong. Jiro said "We too" haha and everyone corrected him~ (aha... so embarassing *sweat* the expression on tsuyoshi's face was classic hahahaha... he was like... eh? LOL)
Then they played a game where the japanese people have to guess what's the meaning of the phrase Jiro said in taiwanese dialect.
It actually means the grass on the other side is always greener.
Then Wu Zun gave another example in chinese, which is the moon in other countries is always rounder.
There was one part which was very funny ~~~ The japanese guest said oh! the translator is the leader of Fahrenheit! and then Jiro went~ "yah! Fahrenheit! 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5!!!" where on 5 he pointed to the translator LOL....~

Then nothing much regarding FRH, until the end, they took out a promotional board to promote their album and photobook.

飞轮海出场,被介绍为台湾的顶尖偶像团体,节目中用板子列出"平均身高超过180的帅 哥偶像团体","主演的花样少年少女收视第一","写真集卖出超过6万本"等资料

飞用日语自我介绍,主持人之一(SMAP的草剪刚)夸他们帅,大东想说"你也是",却 说成"我们也是",被纠正后赶快改过来,全场大笑

接下来开始玩游戏,今天由飞出题,现场来宾填空格,题目是台语成语,日语的说法是邻居 的草坪比较绿,由大东用台语念出题目,是"美丽的花是别人种的,美丽的妻子在别人家房 里",后来尊被叫出来,请他再讲一次,大东提醒他有别的说法,尊就说"其实台湾还有别 的说法,就是外国月亮比较圆",亚纶在旁边补充"这是年轻的说法",现场来宾突然问说 那个翻译是不是他们的团长,飞大笑,一直猛亏翻译,大东说"飞轮海,1,2,3,4, 5"说到5的时候就指翻译


游戏结束,各方人马一一出来宣传,轮到飞时,4人一人一句话,宣传了CD和写真集,还 有外国人来宣传电影,发传单,飞很有礼貌,接到传单以后就帮他们传给别人,亚纶每拿到 一张传单,就左看右看,好像不知道要怎麼办,尊就伸手拿过去,向旁边传

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